Monthly Board Meetings

The Catalina Foothills Association meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month (except July & August).  Meetings are held at Hacienda at the River, 2720 East River Road, in the Vitality Room. We will have a virtual attendance option and if you are interested in attending remotely, please contact the Secretary at or 520-529-2169 for online meeting connection information.

Meeting dates for 2025 are as follows:

  • March 12, 2025  - this meeting has been cancelled

  • April 9, 2025 

  • May 14, 2025 

  • June 11, 2025 

  • The Board does not meet in July or August

  • September 10, 2025 

  • October 8, 2025 

  • November 12, 2025 

  • December 10, 2025 

Holidays and vacation schedules sometimes result in the rescheduling or cancellation of a particular meeting, so please check with the Association Manager at or (520) 529-2169 to confirm a meeting time.